August marks six months since the murder of Alexei Navalny and four years since his poisoning in Omsk. On the weekend closest to these dates, on Sunday, August 18th at 2 p.m., we shall hold a rally in Copenhagen as part of the global #NavalnyForever campaign.
For us, Navalny has stepped into eternity, and will live as long as his memory lives on and his work is not forgotten. We shall continue to support political prisoners and the fight against evil, war and hatred, and we shall never give up.
The name of Alexei Navalny unites everyone, who is not indifferent to the ideals in the name of which Alexei lived and was killed for. But even with the murder of Alexei Navalny, those people who oppose war, repression, corruption, and lawlessness have not disappeared anywhere. Likewise, those people for whom human rights, fair trials, fair elections and democracy in Russia are important have not disappeared either. It’s time to become visible again and demonstrate it to the entire free world.
We call on everyone to show solidarity and come out to a rally on August 18th in memory of Alexei Navalny, in support of all Russian political prisoners, and against Putin and the war. Like-minded people from 11 countries and 27 cities around the world will come out with us on this day.
We gather in Memory of Alexei Navalny
WHERE: Kristianiagade 5, Copenhagen
WHEN: August 18th, 2024, 14:00